October 1, 2024

Here is the roster for the tournament this coming Sunday, October 6th at Bowlerama Lanes in Des Moines.  Remember, the starting time for this tournament will be 9:30 AM.  We will be using Kegel's Gateway Arch lane pattern for this one.  If your name is on the roster and you are not able to bowl, please contact Joe Engelkes right away since the tournament is full with a very long waiting list.  Joe's contact info is email jengelkesgiba@gmail.com, phone 319-269-6909, or you can also use Facebook messenger.  


Aimers Rob McKeel Jasmine
Armison Jeremy Mears Scott
Becker Joe Merta Teagan
Bedard Jake Mesecher Jason
Bianchi Jacob Morse Adam
Bloomquist Darin Nabak Payton
Bowers Bryan Newbanks Jordan
Breeden DJ Olson Greg
Brundage Cameron Perso Truman
Cairo Zane Poli Jason
Calkins III Kenny Reseland Alec
Clubb Mark Reseland Mark
Cortez Victor Riley Shawn
Cruse Jr. Russ Rollins Jr. Bruce
Denton Alex Ruby Chad
Elkin Taylar Satre Tyler
Ely Jordan Schoettmer Ryan
Erickson Mike Schone Shane
Ervin Ethan Schuur Logan
Farley Doug Sharp Jimmy
Fisher Jacob Shaw John
Frederick Trinity Smith Brittany
Galbraith Darin Smith Sarah
Goodman Isaac Sramek Brenden
Gragg Chris Stewart Justin
Haack Eli Tegtmeier Seth
Harford Roger Tippett Bryan
Hess Tom Van Winkel Steve
Huseboe Jamie Van Zante Mack
Jones Owen Whitaker Michael
Josephsen Dan Wiegand Ray
Judson Cedrick Winters Chris
Kilts Duane Witte Chad
Kucera Dave Yaw Mike
Loichinger Austin Zumbuch Nathan



September 3, 2024

Here is the updated squad listing for the Ebonite Fall Classic coming up the weekend of September 13-15.  The tournament is full and I currently have over 30 bowlers on a waiting list so if your name is on the squad listing and you are not able to bowl, please let me know as soon as possible so I can give the spot to the next bowler on my waiting list.  Even with a long waiting list, it is difficult to fill spots where I get a cancellation the last couple of days prior to the tournament since bowlers make other plans if they don't have a reserved spot by then.  You can contact me via email at jengelkesgiba@gmail.com, by phone at 319-269-6909, or by Facebook message with questions about the squad listing.



8:30 AM 1:45 PM 7:00 PM
Aries Andy Aimers Rob Alexander Keegan
Beschorner Zach Albrecht Tristian Anderson George
Bianchi Jacob Alderson Brock Aschliman Kevin
Bieri Keaten Andresen Zach Baker MIke
Blaney Andru Becher Jason Bane John
Boll Logan Bedard Jake Bartlett Gabe
Breeden DJ Bloomquist Darin Becker Joseph
Calkins III Kenny Breitsprecker Nate Bober Paul
Close Tyler Brice Alex Boex Austin
Cortez Victor Buelow Andy Bohlen Quinton
Davis Johnny Burns Tommy Bramble Tyson
Dohan Ian Carter Zack Chance Marc
Donner Chaise Clubb Mark Clark Kyle
Ely Jordan Colosimo Chris Coble Braxton
Engelkes Joe Courey Cassidy Dufour Alex
Engelkes Greg Crowe Cameron Durant Jared
Fordyce Chris Cutsforth Thomas Edler Matthew
Goedel Jace Dentlinger Dave Erickson Mike
Gosse Jacob Finley Lucas Galbraith Darin
Gustafson Brady Fisher Jacob Goodman Isaac
Harford Roger Foster Cameron Gragg Chris
Healy Dan Gifford Dan Haack Eli
Hersrud Lucas Green Brody Habel Stephen
Hess Tom Green Brooke Judson Ced
Jackson Rodney Greim Zach Kendrick Austin
Jones Will Hibbard Billy Kilts Duane
Julian Ryan Holz Trenton Little Chris
Larson Simon Houston Josiah Maes Haylee
McCarthy Erin Hovda Patrick Martin Kyndall
Mohr Clayton Howard Jim Meadows Garrett
Mooney Brandon Kennedy Josh Merrick Christian
Nabak Payton Kidd Nicholas Merta Teagan
Newbanks Jordan Kinealy Jeremy Mesecher Jason
Olson Greg Kruml Nick Nourie Joe
Palmer Natalie Magnuson Kevin Nuss Levi
Peck Mike Marrs Jerry Obowa Dylan
Pike Alex Mason Logan Ostrowski Keaton
Richards Devin Mastroianni Anthony Peterson Ed
Riley Shawn Morse Adam Rhoades Zach
Robinson Jaxon Nelson Chad Ryan Sean
Rollins Jr Bruce Peterson Dawson Skinner Joe
Satre Tyler Powers Ryan Smith Alex
Satterlee Jackson Rosenberg Kyle Sterkel Mason
Schoettmer Ryan Runk Brandon Stone Joe
Siders Kendrick Runk Alexis Stone Andy
Smith Brittany Salzman Brooke Swiderski Ryan
Snell Jasmine Schalow Jonathan Taylor Steve
Tegtmeier Seth Schoettmer Jordan Taylor Jr Roger
Walsh Blake Smith Sarah Tornow Tyler
Werthmann Spencer Solonka Dakota VanderBeek Nate
Whitaker Michael Sramek Brenden VanZante Mack
Williams Logan Stearns Brady West Veronyca
Williams Devyn Stewart Justin Wiley Chris
Witte Chad Summers Todd Wille Ayden
Wrenn Emma Tippett Bryan Wille Carson
Yaw Mike Young Will Wittenburg Jennifer



August 7, 2024

Here are the squad listings as I currently have them for the 11thFrame.com Open coming up August 16-18.  We still have a long waiting list for this event so if your name is on the squad listing and you are now unable to bowl, please let me know as soon as possible so we can keep the tournament filled.  You can contact me either by email at jengelkesgiba@gmail.com, phone 319-269-6909, or via Facebook messenger.  We will also hold our normal Friday sweeper using the tournament pattern at 5:00 PM on Friday the 16th.  Please let me know if you plan on bowling the sweeper.


9:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM
Anderson Kyle Aimers Rob Asher Benjamin
Bedard Jake Anderson Travis Beach Ethen
Beres Dave Andresen Zach Bober Paul
Bianchi Jacob Barnwell Tom Bohlen Quinton
Bieri Keaten Blaney Andru Brookover Justine
Burks Ryan Bloomquist Darin Bruce Quincy
Case Michael Burns Tommy Carter Zack
Close Tyler Closs Don Coble Braxton
Cottrell Ben Davis Johnny Cortez Victor
Crowe Cameron Dentlinger Dave Courey Cassidy
Cutsforth Thomas Farley Doug Damadeo Robert
DelFiacco Pat Finley Lucas DeVita Tony
Denton Zack Goedel Jace Eggleston TJ
Denton Alex Green Brody Foster Cameron
Ely Jordan Green Brooke Fowler Tyler
Gifford Dan Greim Zach Fuller Troy
Gosse Jacob Gustafson Brady Galbraith Darin
Habel Stephen Hersrud Lucas Gragg Chris
Harford Roger Hibbard Billy Haugland Brock
Healy Dan Hovda Patrick Hein Derek
Hersrud Travis Hunter Max Hibbard Matt
Hochrein Bob Jones Will Holz Trenton
Holl Brendan` Jones Dave Julian Ryan
Jackson Rodney Keith Craig Kennedy Josh
Johnson Irvin Kicmal Mike Kinealy Jeremy
Keith Adam Kidd Nicholas Kraft Jacob
Kent Eric Kilts Duane Krol Boog
Krol Kyle Magnusen Kevin Krutel Scott
Maas Chad Marazzo Dan Krutel Scott
Morse Adam Marrs Jerry Lawson Garrett
Nabak Payton Mauerman Jennifer Little Chris
Newbanks Jordan Miller Brady Meadows Garrett
Olsen Greg Mooney Brandon Miner Jayson
Perdieu Lucas Nakagawa Raiden Miner Jacob
Petersen Nicole Nelson Chad Mitchell Trent
Powell Josh Peterson Dawson Pawlak Erick
Reidel Rylie Powers Ryan Pierson Alyssa
Ross Paul Rosenberg Kyle Ray Chris
Runk Brandon Smith Sarah Reid Carson
Runk Alexis Solonka Dakota Reidler Nick
Salzman Brooke Sramek Brenden Renfro Kenny
Satre Tyler Stearns Brady Rollins Jr Bruce
Schoettmer Ryan Stenger Mark Roth Bryan
Schoettmer Jordan Stewart Justin Schmidt Tim
Siders Kendric Taylor Steve Schmitt Cody
Stubler Nate Tippett Bryan Schone Shane
Tegtmeier Seth Tornow Tyler Schroeder Jim
Thompson Bryan Vater Robert Stone Joe
Vostry Dakota Williams Logan Stone Andy
Werthmann Spencer Wrenn Emma Summers Todd
Witte Chad Yaw Mike Taylor Jr Roger
Wolf Avery Young Will Tripamer Larry



February 20, 2024

Below are the squad listings for the Ebonite Winter Classic coming up this weekend, February 23-25 at Cadillac XBC in Waterloo, Iowa.  Please check the listings and be sure to let me know as soon as possible if your name is on the list and you are not able to bowl, or if your name is not on the list and you thought you reserved a spot.  You can contact Joe Engelkes via email at jengelkesgiba@gmail.com, phone, 319-269-6909, Facebook messenger or through the Greater Iowa Bowling Association Facebook page.

The pattern basics for this weekend are 42'  31.54mL  2.12:1 ratio



8:30 AM 1:45 PM 7:00 PM
Andresen Zach Aboud Justin Akers Calvin
Aschliman Kevin Adams Stephanie Alderson Brock
Bauer Christian Aimers Rob Aries Andy
Blaney Andru Armison Jeremy Asher Benjamin
Blessing Light Trevor Bedard Jake Baker Mike
Buelow Andy Beres Dave Bartlett Gabe
Calkins III Kenny Bloomquist Darin Bauer Landon
Carr Elena Bohlen Quinton Burks Ryan
Cortez Jr Victor Breitsprecker Nate Burns Tommy
Day Chloe Brice Alex Carter Zack
Denton Alex Coleman III Gregory Cavins Cory
Diercks Alex Cook Jake Christie Dennis
Donner Chaise Craigen Jason Chuchka Steve
Edler Matthew Dentlinger Dave Clubb Mark
Ely Jordan Dubis Chris Coble Braxton
Engelkes Joe Elkin Taylar Conneely Mary
Finley Lucas Galbraith Darin Cook Dalton
Foss Steve Geer Zak Cook Caden
Fuller Troy Graves Ethan Culver Clay
Gifford Dan Green Brody Damadeo Robert
Greim Zach Green Brooke Danner Dylon
Gustafson Brady Haack Eli Davis Johnny
Harford Roger Hess Derek DelFiacco Pat
Healy Dan Hibbard Matt DuFour Alex
Heilman Nick Hill Chris Fordyce Chris
Hersrud Lucas Holz Trenton Glass Ryan
Hess Tom Howard Jim Goodman Isaac
Holub Stephen Johnson Adam Gould Travis
Irizarry Pedro Jones Jason Grant Cody
Jackson Rodney Kennedy Josh Guzzle Mitchel
Julian Ryan Kuhlmann Lyle Harlow Tyler
Kent Eric Labinski Dave Heisdorf Jared
Kidd Nicholas Lapointe Ben Homolar Tayvon
Knutson Gage Maas Chad Johansen Brody
Krol Kyle Mackey Conan Johnson Caleb
Larsen Simon Marrs Jerry Joiner Zach
Mastroianna Anthony Masterson Tyler Kilts Duane
Merta Teagan Meadows Garrett Konen Mickey
Nabak Payton Michalowski Nathan Kraft Jacob
Nakagawa Raiden Morse Adam Kruse Andrew
Olson Greg Nelson Chad Lamb Justin
Peck Mike Oliva Tony Little Christopher
Pike Alex Page Lukas Lugo Luis
Powell Josh Peglow Alex Miner Jayson
Punter Emma Perdieu Lucas Mitchell Trent
Reseland Alec Possehn Kurtis Peterson Edward
Richards Devin Reid Carson Peverill Josh
Rockwell Lance Reidel Rylie Poli Jason
Rosenberg Kyle Rhoades Zach Rollins Jr Bruce
Runk Alexis Roth Bryan Satterlee Jaxson
Runk Brandon Schalow Jonathan Satterlee Cam
Salzman Brooke Schneider Keith Sawdo David
Schoettmer Jordan Schone Shane Schmidt Tim
Schoettmer Ryan Schuur Logan Smith Elliot
Schram Nathan Sheets Zach Solonka Dakota
Schram Jake Smith Brittany Stubler Nate
Shene Harley Smith Sarah Taylor Devon
Siders Kendric Sramek Brenden Taylor Jr Roger
Snell Jasmine Stearns Brady Van Wyk Trey
Tacorda Andrei Stenger Mark Wiley Chris
Tegtmeier Seth Stewart Justin Williams Logan
Van Dusen Zach Swiderski Ryan Wittenburg Jennifer
Werthmann Spencer Tippett Bryan Wrenn Emma
West Veronyca Van Zante Mack Wright Keith
Winters Christopher VanderBeek Nate Wright Nathan
Winters Michael Wolf Avery    
Witte Chad Yaw Mike    
Yamada Kai Young William    




January 3, 2024

Here is the squad listing for the Plaza Bowl Open this coming Saturday in Clinton, Iowa.  Please take a look at the list and contact us if the squad you are on won't work for you or if you are on the list and can't bowl now.  Also, if you thought you had reserved a spot and your name is missing, let us know.  We do have a few open spots on each squad for anyone who wants to bowl and has not reserved a spot.


9:30 AM     2:30 PM  
Allen Brooke   Aimers Rob
Brashaw RJ   Bane John
Corey Justin   Bevelacqua Joe
Cruse Jr Russ   Blessing Light Trevor
Cutsforth Thomas   Bloomquist Darin
Cutsforth Brian   Brooks Quinell
Denton Alex   Calkins III Kenny
Dolphin Lucas   Danner Dylon
Donner Chaise   Davis Johnny
Jackson Rodney   Diercks Alex
Dornbush Blake   Dubis Chris
Dornbush Andy   Eggleston T.J.
Elkin Taylar   Ely Jordan
Fowler Tyler      
Galbraith Darin   Fleming Duane
Goodman Isaac   Ford Stephen
Gould Travis      
Hake Mason   Foss Steve
Harford Roger   Fuller Troy
Huseboe Jamie   Gifford Dan
Huston Josiah   Green Brody
Lawrence Hunter   Haack Eli
Little Chris   Healy Dan
Long Stephen   Hess Tom
Merrick Christian   Jones Owen
Morse Adam   Kilts Duane
Motroni Anthony   Knutson Gage
Olson Greg   Krueger John
Pearlman Zachary   Lantz Zach
Pelham Charlie   Lund John
Peterson TP   McKeel Jasmine
Riley Shawn   Miller Jason
Schuur Logan   Mooney Brandon
Shaw John   Pearson Lance
Sheets Scott   Reseland Alec
Shepard Blake   Rockwell Lance
Sorensen Austin   Rollins Jr Bruce
Sramek Brenden   Rosenberg Kyler
Stewart Justin   Runk Alexis
Sturbaum Alex   Runk Brandon
Tegtmeier Seth   Speer Dan
Tornow Tyler   Stansbury Jake
Tripamer Larry   Summers Todd
Turner Ryan   Welch Curtis
Werthmann Spencer   Wiley Chris
Witte Chad   Williams Logan
Yaw Mike    



November 10, 2023

Here is the squad list for the upcoming Iowa Open being held Sunday, November 19th at May City Bowl in Cedar Rapids.  Remember, this tournament starts at 9:00 AM.  We will bowl 7 games of qualifying and the cut will be to the top 10 for a round robin match play finals.  Please let me know if your name is on this list and you are unable to bowl.  The tournament is full with 75 entries and I have more than 25 bowlers on the waiting list currently.  I will also post the squad list on our website at www.giba-bowling.com, and also we will have it posted on the Greater Iowa Bowling Association Facebook page.
Aimers Rob Judson Cedrick
Allen Brooke Kilts Duane
Andrews Vicki Kraft Jacob
Asher Benjamin Little Chris
Bedard Jake Mackey Conan
Bianchi Jacob Mason Logan
Blessing Light Trevor McKeel Jasmine
Bloomquist Darin Merritt Scott
Bober Paul Mesecher Jason
Bohlen Quinton Morse Adam
Breeden D.J. Perdieu Lucas
Bruce Quincy Petersen Nicole
Buelow Andy Pitts Jason
Bundy Ryan Poli Jason
Cavins Cory Reid Carson
Christie Dennis Reidel Rylie
Clark Kyle Reseland Alec
Clubb Mark Rockwell Lance
Cook Jake Schalow Jonathan
Denton Zack Schoettmer Jordan
Diercks Alex Schoettmer Ryan
Dohan Ian Schuur Logan
Donner Chaise Shutt Andy
Engelkes Joe Smith Brittany
Fisher Jacob Smith Sarah
Fowler Tyler Solonka Dakota
Fuller Troy Sramek Brenden
Fulton Justin Stark Kendall
Goodman Isaac Stewart Justin
Gragg Chris Stubler Nate
Green Brody Tegtmeier Seth
Guzzle Mitchel Vermeer Tyler
Harford Roger Welch Curtis
Healy Dan Werthmann Spencer
Hess Tom West Veronyca
Huston Josiah Wolff Kevin
Jackson Rodney Yaw Mike
Jones Owen


October 18, 2023

Here is the squad list for our tournament at CRBC this coming Sunday, October 22nd.  The start time will be 10:00 AM.  We currently have a full field of 90 bowlers with more than 20 additional names on the waiting list so if you are on the squad list and can't bowl, please let us know as soon as possible.  You can contact Joe Engelkes by email at jengelkesgiba@gmail.com, phone or text to 319-269-6909, or through Facebook message.


Ackerson Ian Fuller Troy Pitts Jason
Aimers Rob Galbraith Darin Reid Carson
Allen Brooke Goldman Perry Reidel Rylie
Bedard Jake Gould Travis Reseland Alec
Bianchi Jacob Gragg Chris Rockwell Lance
Blessing Light Trevor Green Brody Rollins Jr Bruce
Bloomquist Darin Haack Eli Runk Brandon
Bruce Quincy Harford Roger Runk Alexis
Bundy Ryan Healy Dan Sandhagen Jay
Calkins III Kenny Hullinger Shawn Schoettmer Ryan
Cavins Cory Hurst Dan Schoettmer Jordan
Christie Dennis Huston Josiah Schuur Logan
Clark Kyle Jackson Rodney Shaw John
Clubb Mark Judson Cedrick Sheets Scott
Coble Braxton Kilts Duane Solonka Dakota
Cook Jake Knutson Gage Sramek Brenden
Cruse Jr Russ Kucera Dave Stark Kendall
Denton Alex Little Chris Stewart Justin
Dickerson Jericho Mason Logan Summers Todd
Dickinson Philip Merritt Scott Tacorda Andrei
Diercks Alex Mesecher Jason Taylor Jr Roger
Dohan Ian Mikkelson Jason Tegtmeier Seth
Donner Chaise Miner Jayson Tippett Bryan
Elkin Taylar Morse Adam Vermeer Tyler
Erickson Isaac Nguyen Duong Welch Curtis
Ervin Ethan Oltmann Colton West Veronyca
Fallon Andy Peck Mike Witte Chad
Fisher Jacob Perdieu Lucas Wolff Kevin
Fowler Tyler Petersen Nicole Yaw Mike
Foye Cayden Pike Alek Zilk Josh



September 26, 2023

Below is the squad listing for the GIBA tournament being held this coming Sunday, October 1st at Bowlerama Lanes in Des Moines.  Please look this over and if you are on the list and are no longer able to bowl, let us know as soon as possible since we have over 30 bowlers on a waiting list.  You can contact Joe Engelkes 319-269-6906 or email jengelkesgiba@gmail.com or via Facebook message.  The pattern basics for this tournament will be 43', 30 mL in volume, and a ratio of 4:1.



9:30 AM Start
Ackerson Ian Green Brody
Adams Stephanie Hansen Drew
Ahn Kyle Hess Tom
Aimers Rob Huston Josiah
Alampi Frank Judson Cedrick
Allen Brooke Kilts Duane
Armison Jeremy Kucera Dave
Baker Jack Little Chris
Bedard Jake Mackey Conan
Beekman Nathan Mason Logan
Bianchi Jacob Merritt Scott
Bianchi Zach Mesecher Jason
Blessing Light Trevor Mikkelson Jason
Bowers Bryan Nelson Chad
Breeden DJ Olson Greg
Cairo Zane Peck Tom
Calkins III Kenny Petersen Nicole
Carpenter Dan Reidel Riley
Christie Dennis Reseland Mark
Chuchka Steve Reseland Alec
Coble Braxton Riley Shawn
Cook Jake Rockwell Lance
Cruse Jr Russ Rollins Jr Bruce
Dentlinger Dave Runk Brandon
Dickerson Jericho Runk Alexis
Dickinson Philip Shaw John
Duong Nguyen Sheets Scott
Ely Jordan Sramek Brenden
Ervin Ethan Stuart Paul
Fisher Luke Sunderland Jacob
Fisher Hannah Thammarath VT
Fisher Jacob Tippett Bryan
Fuller Troy Walkner Scott
Fulton Justin Weggen Matt
Goodman Isaac Yaw Mike



September 7, 2023

Here are the updated squad listings for the Ebonite Fall Classic being held on September 15-17 at Maple Lanes in Waterloo.  Please look over the squad list and be sure to let us know if you are on the list and can't bowl now or if you thought you reserved a spot and are not on the list.  Contact Joe Engelkes by email at jengelkesgiba@gmail.com, cell phone at 319-269-6909, or by Facebook message with quesions or concerns.



8:30 AM 1:45 PM 7:00 PM
Aboud Justin Aimers Rob Andresen Zach
Ackerson Ian Allen Brooke Aries Andy
Bates Richard Bedard Jake Bartlett Gabe
Behrendt Tim Bianchi Jacob Blaney Andru
Bohlen Quinton Bloomquist Darin Bonifacio Jette
Boho Brent Clark Kyle Burns Tommy
Bruce Quincy Cook Jake Cavins Cory
Bundy Ryan Craigen Jason Clubb Mark
Calkins III Kenny Cruse Jr. Russ Coble Braxton
Carter Zack DeCesaro Nick Dudley Alec
Cole David Dentlinger Dave Duffield Ken
Cortez Victor Fisher Jacob Edler Matthew
Crowe Cameron Fisher Luke Finley Lucas
Davis Johnny Follett Tyler Fordyce Chris
Denton Zack Galbraith Darin Goodman Isaac
Denton Alex Geer Zakarey Gustafson Brady
Dodge Anthony Genz Jake Guzzle Mitchel
Dodge Samantha Gifford Dan Habel Stephen
Dodge Brandon Gragg Chris Harlow Tyler
Donner Chaise Graves Ethan Hersrud Lucas
Ely Jordan Green Brody Holl Brendan
Engelkes Joe Hill Chris Jones Will
Ervin Ethan Holz Trenton Julian Ryan
Fowler Tyler Hovda Patrick Kent Eric
Fuller Troy Judson Cedric Kilts Duane
Goedel Jace Kennedy Josh Little Chris
Gosse Jacob Kraft Jacob Lugo Luis
Greim Zach Mackey Conan Mendoza Alan
Harford Roger Marrs Jerry Mesecher Jason
Healy Dan Mason Logan Mitchell Trent
Irizarry Pedro Meadows Garrett Mooney Justin
Jackson Rodney Miner Jayson Nelson Chad
Krol Kyle Newton Kevin Pate Nick
Kucera Dave Oliva Tony Peck Alek
Lobdell Brett Olson Greg Peterson Ed
Loichinger Adam Peck Mike Peverill Josh
Milder Pete Perdieu Lucas Peverill Kevin
Mooney Brandon Powers Ryan Rollins Jr Bruce
Morse Adam Reidel Rylie Rosenberg Kyle
Obowa Dylan Rhoades Zach Salzman Brooke
Pint Jason Schone Shane Sapp Kody
Powell Josh Schuur Logan Schmidt Tim
Reseland Alec Sheets Zachary Schoettmer Jordan
Richards Devin Shutt Andy Solonka Dakota
Riley Shawn Smith Sarah Speer Ryan
Rockwell Lance Smith Brittany Stearns Brady
Sandhagen Jay Sramek Brenden Stenger Mark
Schoettmer Ryan Stewart Justin Tacorda Andrei
Sheets Scott Stone Andy Taylor Jr Roger
Stubler Nate Stone Laura Tripamer Larry
Sullivan Jack Tippett Bryan Van Zante Mack
Tegtmeier Seth Walker Joe Vanderbeek Nate
Werthmann Spencer Warren Rob Vermeer Tyler
Wiley Chris Yaw Mike West Veronyca
Williams Logan Young Will Wittenburg Jennifer
Wrenn Emma Zilk Josh Yamada Kai



August 9, 2023

Below are the squad listings for the 11thFrame.com Open at Cherry Lanes in Dubuque. If you are on the list and are no longer able to bowl, please let us know right away. Also, if you are not on the list and reserved a spot, contact us so we can check into it for you. We currently have about 25 names on the waiting list. You are also able to request lane pairings and we will do our best to accommodate those requests. Contact Joe Engelkes with questions or concerns via email at jengelkesgiba@gmail.com, phone 319-269-6909, or Facebook message.



9:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM
Aboud Justin Anderson Travis Aries Andy
Aboud George Andresen Zach Asher Benjamin
Aimers Rob Bloomquist Darin Bianchi Jacob
Allen Brooke Bober Paul Bonifacio Jette
Bedard Jake Bohlen Quinton Bruce Quincy
Behrendt Tim Closs Don Bundy Ryan
Beres Dave Colosimo Chris Carter Zack
Bittenbender Shea Davis Johnny Clark Will
Blessing Light Trevor Egan Kyle Clark Kyle
Breitbach Phill Gifford Dan Clubb Mark
Cortez Victor Goede Ben Coble Braxton
Crowe Cameron Goedel Jace Cottrell Ben
Cummings Dave Goodman Isaac Cutsforth Thomas
Czmowski Eric Green Brody DeCesaro Nick
Denton Alex Gustafson Brady Dickerson Jericho
Denton Zack Hersrud Lucas Dodge Anthony
Dunnum Jacob Hill Chris Dodge Samantha
Fuller Troy Hovda Patrick Dodge Brandon
Greim Zach Jackson Rodney Eggleston TJ
Habel Stephen Jacobs Brigitte Foster Cameron
Harford Roger Jones William Fowler Tyler
Hochrein Bob Jones Dave Galbraith Darin
Holl Brendan Keith Ryan Gragg Chris
Julian Ryan Keith Adam Heinzelman Jay
Kent Eric Keith Craig Hunter Max
Krol Kyle Kennedy Josh Huston Josiah
Lewis TJ Ketelsen Seth Krol David
Loichinger Austin Kicmal Mike Kruml Nick
Lugo Luis Kindig Derek Lent Brandon
Maas Chad Lantz Zach Little Chris
Mastny JJ Marazzo Dan Manna Tony
Mastroianni Anthony Marrs Jerry Mendoza Alan
Mero Chelsey Miller Jason Merrick Christian
Nabak Payton Miner Jayson Merritt Scott
Olson Greg Mooney Brandon Mesecher Jason
Peck Mike Morse Adam Millan Pamela
Peck Alek Nelson Chad Mitchell Trent
Powell Josh Oliva Tony Murtha Mike
Powers Ryan Pawlak Erick Petersen Nicole
Reseland Alec Ray Chris Petrey Justin
Riedler Nick Renfro Kenny Powers Nick
Rockwell Lance Smith Jeremiah Rollins Jr Bruce
Rosenberg Kyle Sramek Brenden Roth Bryan
Sacks Eric Stearns Brady Runk Alexis
Schoettmer Jordan Stenger Mark Runk Brandon
Schoettmer Ryan Stewart Justin Sapp Kody
Smith Brittany Summers Todd Schone Shane
Smith Sarah Taylor Steve Solonka Dakota
Stubler Nate Tornow Tyler Tomsu Matt
Tegtmeier Seth Wiley Chris Tripamer III Larry
Werthmann Spencer Williams Logan Vermeer Tyler
Yaw Mike Wrenn Emma Williams Brenden





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